Creating a basic Fortune world with no custom scripting elements or logic is a very straightforward process. See our online web creator here for an editor and preview renderer:
Two rooms can be linked together via a single prompt in a JSON file. This example also shows how an item can be given when a prompt is successfully entered, and how a room or prompt can require that item in order for entry to be given.
This animated GIF is the results of the JSON game data below.
"game": {"start":"Beginning","end":"Second","rooms": [ {"name":"Beginning","contents":"This is the beginning room","prompts": [ {"name":"go right","keywords": ["go right","move right","open right","enter right","door right","right door"],"results": {"successText":"You enter in the access code '14052' and successfully open the door.","failText":"The door is locked with an access code!","roomToEnter":"Second","itemsGiven":"trophy" },"requirements": ["accessKey"] }, {"name":"look room","keywords": ["look room","look at room","search room","examine room","look in"],"results": {"successText":"You see a room with a door to the right and a statue in the middle." } }, {"name":"get statue","keywords": ["look room","look at room","search room","examine room","look in"],"results": {"successText":"You see a room with a door to the right and a statue in the middle." } }, {"name":"get statue","keywords": ["get statue","pick up statue","take statue","pick statue"],"results": {"successText":"You pick up the statue. It feels heavy in your hands, and there's something hanging off the bottom.","itemsGiven": ["statue"] } }, {"name":"rotate statue","keywords": ["rotate statue","rotate the statue"],"results": {"successText":"You take the note from the bottom of the statue.","failText":"You have no statue to look at!","itemsGiven": ["note"] },"requirements": ["statue"] }, {"name":"look note","keywords": ["look at note","examine note","take note","get note","check note","read note","look note"],"results": {"successText":"You look at the note and find an access code: '14052'.","failText":"You have no note to look at!","itemsGiven": ["accessKey"] },"requirements": ["statue","note"] } ] }, {"name":"SecondRoom","contents":"You did it! You won!" } ]}